Windows & Doors
Secure Windows For Peace Of Mind When On Holiday

How can I secure my windows when on holiday?
It’s wonderful to get away at this time of year. Even though the pandemic may have clipped our wings for international vacations, many of us have managed a short break in this country. When we go away from home, we all take precautions to secure our empty home: it’s common to set the alarm, lock the doors and ask a neighbour to pop around. But did you know that the most common entry point for burglars is through the window? Just how secure are your windows?
The problem with old window frames is that they were not designed with security in mind. Frames are weak and locks often non-existent. Even if the frame would withhold a shove, single-pane glass can easily be smashed for a forced entrance.
Modern windows such as a Ventrolla sash style window, are much more secure. When insuring your home, you’ll need to provide details of your ground-floor windows. That’s because the insurers understand the security that these modern window systems offer your home.
A Ventrolla Sash Style Window is FENSA and ISO9001 British Standard registered as recognised proof that the windows are constructed to a high professional standard and are secure and efficient. The Ventrolla company is a part of ERA Home Security – a company with a proven track record in home security in the UK.
If you need the peace of mind that a new secure sash style window can offer, please speak with our experts.