Windows & Doors
New Year, New Windows? Start the year right by improving your home

2020 is a year I’m sure most of us would like to forget. Let’s leave that year behind and march into 2021 full of optimism and plans for a better future. Just because many of us are stuck at home, doesn’t mean that we can’t start making improvements in our life. Simple things like upgrading or renovating our home environment can make a huge difference to our lives. There are a number of ways that replacing old windows could improve your new year.
Making your home office more efficient
Working from home has made us all a bit more aware of the benefits and the limitations of our home environment. If you are feeling the cold this winter, it could be that your old windows are allowing drafts and damp to permeate your home. Sash Window company, Ventrolla would solve this problem: great looking windows that are incredibly efficient keeping your home-office toasty warm on these cold, wet days.
Saving the planet
If your New Year’s resolution is to be more proactive in tackling climate change, then there are number of things that you could do. According to the BBC, the number one goal for all of us should be to reduce our carbon footprint by limiting the use of fossil fuels.
By making your home more insulated and thermally efficient, you are not only saving on heating bills, but also saving the planet. Loft insulation, wall-cavity insulation and modern windows are the best way to do this. Sourcing a sash window company such as Ventrolla, can ensure this happens.
Improving mental health
Feeling happier and healthier in your home is also a great path to self-care, and our mental health is crucially important at this difficult time. Research shows that having a home and work environment that is energy efficient can boost mental health by improving a healthy indoor living environment and improving heat and noise insulation.
Sash window company, Ventrolla are still working and installing windows during this difficult period. If you think that new windows would be the start to 2021 that you need, why not speak with our experts for a quote or advice.