Green Homes Grant – England

Launched on 30th September, the Government’s Green Homes Grant offers homeowners and residential landlords in England the chance to get vouchers worth up to £5,000 (or £10,000 for those on low income) towards making their homes more energy efficient.
This grant can be used towards a range of improvements, including insulation and double glazing – and will cover work that is completed within six months of the launch date.
The steps you need to follow
- Find out what grants you are eligible for
- Search for approved local tradespeople and get at least three quotes
- Apply for your vouchers – but wait for approval before you book your work
Vouchers will cover two-thirds of the cost of eligible improvements, up to a maximum contribution from the government of £5,000 (or £10,000 for those on low income).
The work that you can claim for is split into primary and secondary measures – the voucher must cover installation of at least one primary measure, which include insulation and low carbon heating. If you install at least one primary measure, you can also use your voucher to help cover payment for secondary measures including draught proofing, double or triple glazing and secondary glazing for windows and doors.
How long do I have to get work done?
Vouchers will be valid for 3 months from the date they are issued or until 31 March 2021 (whichever is earlier). You must redeem your voucher and make sure work is completed by this date. Vouchers for secondary measures can also only be redeemed once primary measures have been installed.
Are Ventrolla participating in the Green Homes Grant scheme?
We have made the difficult decision not to be part of this scheme. As secondary measure installers, we believe that the timescale is exceptionally tight for customers to be expected to have completed the installation of primary measures before they can book us to complete secondary measures, as this would all need to be achieved within the six month period.
In addition, as the pandemic has caused disruption and delays to our work, we would rather focus this time on using our capacity to fulfil orders and offering our existing customers the service we pride ourselves on.
Where can I get advice on improving my home?
If you need advice on the best ways to improve the energy efficiency and heating in your home, this is a good place to start.
Where can I find out more information on the Grant?
Check out the Government’s official site and the Simple Energy Advice website.
Is this scheme open to people outside of England?
The Green Grant Scheme is only for people living in England. However there are other initiatives that are available for residents of Scotland and Wales. These include: